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Pope Francis presents new rite to install men and women as catechists, lectors

Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica for the Church’s third annual celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God.

For the first time, he used a revised rite for formally installing new lectors in the Church, a ministry which the Pope opened to women last year, as well as a new rite for the ministry of catechist, which he established in May.

“They are called to the important work of serving the Gospel of Jesus, of proclaiming Him, so that His consolation, His joy and His liberation can reach everyone. That is also the mission of each one of us: to be credible messengers, prophets of God’s Word in the world.”

After the Pope’s homily, six women and two men from South Korea, Ghana, Pakistan, and Italy knelt before the main altar to receive a blessing.

They approached Pope Francis one by one, who gave them each a bible, and formally installed the first woman in the ministry of lector with these words:

-“Receive the book of the holy writings and faithfully transmit the Word of God, to sprout and bear fruit in the hearts of men.”

The eight candidates for catechists, from Spain, Ghana, Italy, Brazil, Peru, and Poland, then came before the altar. The Pope blessed them before giving each of them a crucifix, and formally installing the first catechist in the Church.

-“Receive this sign of our faith drawn from the truth and charity of Christ. Announce Him by your life, your actions, and your word.”

It was the first time this rite, prepared by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, was used.

To close the Mass, the Pope then processed out of St. Peter’s Basilica with the same Papal ferula, or pastoral staff, used by Pope John Paul II.

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