Card. Grech: The Church will lose the genius of women if we don’t create space for them

The role of women in the Church is a topic that has been repeatedly raised in the listening sessions for the Synod. Its Secretary General, Cardinal Mario Grech, is well aware of the its significance to the Church.
Secretary General, Synod of Bishops
Had it not been for the participation, active participation, important participation of women in the Church, we will not be in this situation. And they have to acknowledge that this with great admiration, because what a woman can contribute with her genius is something that will be missing if we do not create space for their participation.
A further sign of the Church’s commitment to the issue, women will be among the team that puts together the first Synthesis of the Synod’s insights.
Secretary General, Synod of Bishops
We are going to summon a group of around 24 or 30 persons, coming from different countries, representing the different continents. And we will stay together for two weeks in a place and together we will reflect, we will analyze, we will make in other words, a discernment in a very spiritual environment.
The results of the group’s efforts will be published in October. The Synod will then proceed onto the continental phase, before the bishops gather in Rome to discuss its outcomes.
Secretary General, Synod of Bishops
Then, the final phase will be the Synod for bishops, because after all, bishops have to carry the responsibility to guide us know, and tell us whether our discernment is correct or not. To be more correct, on the hands of the Holy Father.
The Cardinal says he is particularly struck by one detail he has noticed when meeting with participates in the Synod from around the world.
Secretary General, Synod of Bishops
The faith of the simple people. They are not theologians, on the cathedra. Not in a university, but they are simple people living their ordinary life, but they have a very deep faith. And they have encountered Jesus. And this is what a Synodal Church is for, to not only refresh this encounter with Jesus, but to be in a position to help men and women today to have this special encounter with the Savior.
It’s an ambitious goal, which is why this long process of listening will continue until October 2023.