Pope warns of false preachers who infiltrate social networks

Before the general audience, the Pope brought tears to some pilgrims …,
… although it wasn’t just emotion.
The Pope then began a new cycle of catechesis. He said that in the coming weeks he will reflect on the letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians and issues such as freedom, grace and the Christian way of life.
“This is a very current letter, it seems written for our times.”
When Pablo arrived in a city, a town, a region, he did not immediately build a cathedral, no. He made small communities, which are the leaven of our current Christian culture. It began by making small communities. And these little communities grew, grew and moved on.
The Pope recalled that years after the apostle’s preaching, other Judaizing Christians began to tell the Galatians that they had to be circumcised to be Christians and that Paul was not an apostle.
“They start with the doctrine, and then they denigrate the apostle. It’s the same old way, take away the authority from the apostle.”
The Pope warned that this is also happening today, especially through social networks. So-called preachers who present themselves as the custodians of the purity of doctrine.
“How can we recognize these people? For example, one of the traces of the way of acting is rigidity, in the face of the preaching of the Gospel that makes us free and happy, they are rigid … Always rigidity: you have to to do this, you have to do that, the stiffness. It’s typical of these people. “
Among the participants was the real Spiderman, the spider man. An Italian volunteer who visits hospitals.