Catholic Archdiocese of Accra - Department for Pastoral and Social Communication

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Francisco thanks his driver who is retiring these days, in front of hundreds of pilgrims

The last general audience before the Pope’s summer vacation was filled with emotion. 

Francisco received gifts like this … 

… West. 

In Italy there is no longer any obligation to wear the mask outdoors if the safety distance is respected. Although not all met this rule because of the heat or the excitement.

During the general audience, the Pope reflected on how the personal encounter with God made Saint Paul a free person. 

On the one hand free to face problems without fear of retaliation and on the other, free to accept his past. In the letter the apostle to the Galatians lists his past sins to show how Jesus changed his life.

“We see that Paul is free and free to proclaim the Gospel and free also to confess his own sins: ‘I was like that’. It is the truth that gives freedom of heart, the freedom of God.”

At the end of the audience, the Pope wanted to publicly thank a Vatican employee who is retiring, after decades working for the Holy See.

“He started working when he was 14 years old, he came by bicycle. Today he is the Pope’s driver. He has done all this … applause, Renzo and his fidelity.”

Francis extended this thanks to all the laity who work in the Vatican. 

When he said goodbye to the pilgrims, he asked that they take advantage of the summer break to strengthen their relationship with God.

Javier Romero/

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