Catholic Archdiocese of Accra - Department for Pastoral and Social Communication

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Pope Francis baptizes 16 babies, asks parents to raise them “in the light of the faith”

Each year, the pope typically celebrates baptisms for the children of Vatican employees after Christmas in the Sistine Chapel: a tradition that was unable to take place last year due to the pandemic.

Yet Pope Francis managed to resume this custom in 2022, baptizing 16 babies.

And the Pope seemed very happy to be able to do so. He told the parents present to remember who this day is really about.

“This ceremony is a bit long, and the children feel strange here in an environment they do not recognize. Please, they are the focus: make sure they are not too hot, that they feel comfortable and okay. If they are hungry, breastfeed them here calmly, in front of the Lord, it is not a problem.”

The Pope then explained what this sacrament consists of, and the role of each child’s parents and godparents.

“Today your children will receive their Christian identity. And you, parents and godparents, must protect this identity. This is your task throughout your lives: to protect the Christian identity of your children. It is a daily task: to raise them with the light they will receive today.”

Pope Francis then baptized each infant….

After Mass, he greeted each of the families before leaving, and spent extra time with this mother who recently lost her husband.

-“She’s in Heaven.”

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