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Pope explains in general audience how to overcome distraction when praying

During the catechesis on prayer the Pope reflected on “some of the most common difficulties that can arise in the life of prayer.”

It’s about getting carried away by distractions, dryness, and laziness. He explained the origin of these obstacles and gave advice on how to overcome them. Above all, he stressed that “in the face of all these difficulties we do not have to be discouraged, but to continue praying with humility and confidence.”


“Dear brothers and sisters:

Today we reflect on some of the most common difficulties that can arise in the life of prayer. The person who prays frequently experiences the presence of certain obstacles and temptations that prevent the encounter with the Lord, and that they have to identify and combat with humility and perseverance.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church mentions, for example, distraction, dryness, and heartburn. The first problem in prayer is distraction. Indeed, we all experience — not just in prayer, but in whatever activity we do — that it is not easy to concentrate and be attentive. But in the heritage of our faith there is a virtue that can help us: vigilance.

In prayer, when we become aware of our distractions, what helps us to combat them is to humbly offer our hearts to the Lord to purify it and re-center it on Him.

Another difficulty is dryness, which can depend on ourselves or also on God, who allows certain external or internal situations. It is the time of desolation and the purest faith, because it stands firm with Jesus.

Finally, another of the difficulties of prayer is heartburn, which is caused by laziness, lax asceticism, lack of vigilance and neglect of the heart. Faced with all these difficulties, we do not have to be discouraged, but to continue praying with humility and confidence.

I cordially greet the Spanish-speaking faithful. In these days of preparation for the Solemnity of Pentecost, let us ask the Lord to send us the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we can persevere in our prayer life with humility and joy, overcoming difficulties with wisdom and perseverance. God bless you. Thank you”.

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