Pope Francis meets with missionaries of mercy

On the feast of Divine Mercy, Cardinal Rino Fisichella, the president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, presided over Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica. Pope Francis was in attendance and gave the homily.
Let us ask ourselves: Me, here where I live, with my family, at work, in my community, do I promote communion? Am I a weaver of peace? Am I committed to resolving conflicts, to bringing forgiveness where this is hatred, peace where there is hostility? Or do I fall into the world of chatter, which always kills? Jesus asks us to be witnesses in the world of his words: May peace be with you. I have received peace, and I give it to others.
Pope John Paul II instituted this feast day in 2000 to be celebrated each second Sunday of Easter.
The following day, Pope Francis met with the missionaries of Divine Mercy. He shared that he wanted to see them, and observed that they are increasing in numbers.
In their meeting the Pope spoke about the biblical figure of Ruth, the Moabite woman who despite leaving home for a foreign land, entered directly into the story of salvation.
Ruth depended on others for everything, and was marginalized in her town for the simple fact of being Moabite.
Through her story, Pope Francis explained that God does not abandon those who trust in him.
Through this figure we see that we are also invited to grasp the presence of God in people’s lives. The journey is often difficult, sometimes even filled with sadness, but God undertakes this journey to reveal his love. It is up to us, with our ministry, to give God a voice. This is important. The Missionaries of Mercy give God a voice, and show the face of his mercy.
Before closing the meeting, the Pope spoke about two particular confessors who he knew in his former diocese.
He then gave them his blessing and assured them of his prayers so that their work may be fruitful, and asked them to pray for him as well.