Pope: Remember that Jesus was not a mere philanthropist who healed the sick
The Pope has spent a lot of time greeting pilgrims before the general audience.
It has blessed photographs …
… signed books …
… and blessed to these Salesian missionaries who are about to leave Rome.
In the general audience, the Pope continued his catechesis on prayer. And he has explained the key to Jesus’ prayer.
“Jesus was not a philanthropist who dealt with human sufferings and diseases: he was and is much more. In Him there is not only goodness: there is salvation, and not a sporadic salvation – which saves me from an illness or from a moment of discouragement – but total salvation, messianic, which gives hope in the definitive victory of life over death “.
The Pope also recalled the central idea of these catechesis on prayer. He said that it is not just about learning to pray better, but about remembering that Jesus prays for each person.
“Jesus prays for me. Each one of us can put this in his heart, don’t forget it, even in the most difficult moments.”
This week the Pope especially greeted the Polish pilgrims, as there were many among the participants.
And before leaving he greeted many sick people.