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Pope will bring together scientists and religious leaders to address climate change

The Vatican, together with the UK and Italy, current G7 and G20 presidents, have invited religious leaders and scientists from around the world to Rome to discuss climate change on October 4.

The meeting “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” is part of the preparations for the United Nations conference on climate change in Glasgow from 1 to 12 November.

The COP26 conference seeks to promote plans to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050 and keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

Secretary for Relations with States, Holy See
“The contribution we expect from religious leaders, through the conference on October 4 and in the coming months, is to raise the ambitions of our political leaders and our statesmen, so that they are able to see the problems and make brave decisions ”.

For this ambitious project, some 40 leaders of the world’s main religions and 10 leading scientists have been invited to participate.

British Ambassador to the Holy See
“A large part of the world’s population has a religious belief, so the role of religious communities is important in the fight against climate change … It is also about countries making contributions, and people making changes. Therefore, we must all join the climate agenda and, obviously, faith is an important part ”.

In a meeting with John Kerry, the United States’ special envoy for climate, the Pope said he wants to participate in the conference on climate change in Glasgow. Other world leaders such as President Joe Biden are expected to attend.

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