Catholic Archdiocese of Accra - Department for Pastoral and Social Communication

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The Pope John Senior High and Minor Seminary Old Boys Association (POJOBA), recently visited and extended a helping hand to their own who needs medical attention urgently.

The National President of Pope John Senior High and Minor Seminary Old Boys Association (POJOBA), Mr. Isaac Aboagye Duah in the company of the National Vice President, Mr. David Noi, National Treasurer, Mr. Richard Fumey and National Organizer, Mr. Dennis Nyawudzi, made a presentation of GHS 61,800 plus USD 500 on behalf of POJOBA to support efforts aimed at getting medical attention for the treatment of a cancerous shoulder of Master Kelvin Abotsi Tetteh (a form three student of Pope John Senior High and Minor Seminary).

The donation was received by the Head Pastor of the Church of Pentecost, Amazing Grace Assembly, Teshie Tsui Bleoo, Pastor Robert Sowah Annang.

Present at the brief ceremony was the wife of Pastor Annang, mother of Kelvin, madam Veronica Adjigbo, 3 elders of the church, and an old boy Mr. Kofi Asumadu-Appenteng.

Kelvin and his mum are due to fly out to India on Saturday 17th July 2021. They will spend between three (3) and six (6) months in India while Kelvin goes through all required tests and treatment.

The National Executive Council of POJOBA (NEC) is very grateful to POJOBA for their massive support and encouraged all to bear them up in prayers for a successful surgery. The National Treasurer will continue to update all POJOBA on monies received.

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me…


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